
August 19, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: MONDAY, August 19, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees: David Carter-Chair, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Carol Tremble,
Sandy Gregg, & Rebecca Arnold-Arnold & Scangas Architects (via ZOOM)
Absent: Sarah Kjelleren, Terry Robinson, Beth Curtis, Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: None
Called to order at 3:00 by David C.
Architect’s Report: Rebecca Arnold – Arnold & Scangas Architects, Inc. (A&S) reported she is
waiting for Engineering Ventures to complete their portion. Then A&S needs one week to coordinate
“redline items”. DuBois & King drawings are in. Rebecca is waiting to hear from Jenna L. about to
advise if the narrative to go with the Architect’s Docs needs further specifications. (Sandy G. will call
Jenna L. and ask when Jenna can get back to both Rebecca & the Committee about this matter).
Mary H. commented that Northern Borders Regional Commission (NBRC) will coordinate NEPA
(National Environmental Protection Agency) Reviews based on the Bruhn National Park Service
(NPS) NEPA Review being spearheaded by Jenna L-Preservation Trust VT (PTVT). That
coordination will save considerable time with the NBRC Grant’s NEPA requirement. Thank you
KAS Report from Jeremy Roberts: Sandy G. will contact Northwest Regional Planning Commission
(NRPC) to inquire about Brownfield Grant funding as the rough estimate for costs to do the
remediation is around $20,000. (Update Note: SG emailed Greta B – NRPC and she is out of the
office until 8/26). Sandy will report on this at our next meeting 9/9/24.
Regarding the issue of remediations plus window removal: Since this is really preparation that is
required before the actual preservation work can begin the Committee discussed taking the approach
of 2 parts to the project: #1 – Preparation for Restoration; #2 Restoration.. Michael C. will pose this
approach to possible bidders to get an idea if this is doable, if they have experience doing this etc.
Also, Sandy G. will ask Jenna L. the same. Both Michael & Sandy will report back at our 9/9/24
National Park Service (NPS) Review Status – Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust Vermont
Jenna was not present, therefore, no report available.
Financial Report: Kim Julow-Town Treasurer reported there is $160,383.70 in the Town’s South
Hero Meeting House Account line.
Grant Status: Mary H. reported that Sue A., Sandy G., Michael C., and she attended the NBRC –
Grant Management System (GMS) training sessions either in person or on-line. So much fun!
Seriously, the NBRC website is well done and provides a “Resources” link that is very helpful.
Regarding the Save America’s Treasures (SAT) Grant with a potential $400,000 award: Senator
Welch called our Town Administrator, Sue A., in person to express his dedicated support for this
project. It all depends on election results and getting the Federal Budget passed. Earliest date to hear
is sometime in January 2025. In the meantime, Mary H. is working on the full application in order to
have it ready when the Town is notified. If Mary has the application ready to go that would give our
application a leg-up as the program is a 1st come – 1st served deal. Staffing issues have created this
situation at the Federal level.

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ARPA Status: Kim Julow reported that there will be a Selectboard Resolution to obligate the
$100,000 to the Town’s South Hero Meeting House Account line. This satisfies all ARPA
requirements and the funds will no longer be ARPA funds as they will have been obligated. When this
resolution is signed by the SB the funds will show up as a $100,000 increase to the Town’s South
Hero Meeting House Account line. This process will happen well before the deadline of Dec 31,2024.
Foundation Report: Fund-raising continues. $1,223 has recently come in as a result of personal
contacts made and tabling at both the Farmers’ Market and outside the Meeting House on Saturdays.
Publicity & Farmers’ Market: Michael C. volunteered to write an historical story about “The
Summer That Wasn’t” 1816 and send it off to The Islander. Sandy G. will get a quote for a 1/4 page
non-profit ad from Tonya at The Islander. As a Community Sponsor, the SHF is invited to table at the
Fall Festival over Columbus Weekend. More on this as the time approaches.
Granny’s Status: Any updates on their status and/or plans? Since Beth C. was absent Sandy G.
read an email she received after her inquiry to Robin Way (a Granny’s Attic Board Member) about
plans etc. The email stated: “Yes, we have a plan and are working on the details re: scheduling a
moving co., arranging storage et. Dave Carter suggested a formal letter to the Town requesting
permission to use the red building and the space right behind it for storage and possible activities
prior to our permanent relocation and that will be presented soon. There is a plan and we will be
moving out of the white building in Nov.” Thank you to Robin W. for sharing the plan.
Old Business: Thank you to Linda Seavey for your valuable volunteer time spent on this Committee.
Your resignation, due to time constraints, is understandable considering all you do for other non-profit
organizations including serving on the Library’s Summer Speaker Series. This scribe reserves the
right to email you with questions…you have so much experience doing historic preservation work for
UVM. Thank you thank you thank you!
New Business: Motion by Michael C. to approve payment of Invoice # 275, 8/16/2024 from
Harwood Consulting, Mary S. Harwood in the amount of $930. Second by Carol T., the vote was
unanimous. David C. will initial and get the invoice to Kim Julow-Town Treasurer for payment.
Next Meeting: Monday, Sept 9,2024 at 3:00 PM at Town Office Meeting Room
Adjourned at 3:52 PM: Motion to adjourn by David C., second by Sandy G., vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe