
August 19, 2024 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
Special Meeting of Monday August 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM
At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom

Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, David Lane/Vice Chairman, Skip Brown/Board Secretary, and Anne Zolotas
Board Members Not Present:
Others Present: Town Personnel: Kim Julow. Also see sign in sheet of in person and Zoom attendees. *Attendance SB 2024-08-19-2024

1. Called to Order:
– The meeting was called to order by Chairman David Carter at 5:00 pm.

2. Business:
A. An RFP and engineered plans for the salt shed roof and siding was posted and sent out.  See Attached *  Salt Shed RFP 8-8-2024Salt Shed Roof Specs    Only Millbrook Building and Remodeling sent an estimate. Dave Pratt of Millbrook and Road Dept. Foreman John Beaulac discussed the project with the Board.
Doug Patterson sent some questions to ask about the project. They are listed verbatim below:
Is this bid for the labor only RFP? It is for labor and materials
If not what RFP is the bid in response to? The RFP and the approved engineered plans.
If awarded, will a performance bond be required? None was in the estimate. If the Town wants one, then that will be an extra charge. The company has workers comp and liability insurance and certificates will be issued. Mr. Pratt did suggest that the Town look into owners risk insurance for materials before they are actually installed.
If awarded, will the contract include a no lien clause? This was not discussed.
If awarded, what specifications is the contractor supposed the following? The engineered plans. Note that a header over the proposed future garage doors were not specified in the plans. If deemed necessary to be engineered, then that will be done and approved beforehand.
If awarded, how are change order procedures outlined? None are anticipated, but if necessary they will be approved beforehand. See the explanation for the header above as an example.
If awarded, what are the payment terms? Invoices every 30 days. Since the job is supposed to be ready for salt and sand by October 31, two invoices are anticipated.
If awarded, what are the workmanship warranty stipulations? The warranties for each product used will be used. Labor for 1 year, but Mr. Pratt stated that he will go to 2 years and has extended that timeline in the past. Note that this meeting was recorded.
If awarded, how can compliance with the Purchasing Policy be justified? This was the only bid received.

Note that Millbrook Building and Remodeling has built salt sheds and buildings for the State and Town facilities in the past. The Company has been in business 41 years and has a good reputation. Millbrook stated that this project will be salt and sand ready by October 31, 2024, even if all of the siding and incidentals are not complete. This company appears to be a satisfactory builder to build such a structure. Time is of the essence as the State has contacted the Town about the current salt pile, and that it will be better for it to be under cover to help prevent leaching. David Lane made a motion to accept the contract from Millbrook Building and Remodeling and to have the Chairman sign it. See Attached* Salt Shed contract Millbrook  The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

3. Adjournment:
-Skip Brown made a motion to adjourn at 5:36 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                        Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Graham Brown, Secretary                                    David Carter, Chairman

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