
April 24, 2023 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes

Regular Meeting of Monday, April 24th, 2023 at 7:00PM

At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom


Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, Ross Brown/V. Chair, Anne Zolotas (via zoom) and Chuck Hulse

Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown

Others Present: Dave Hobbs, Tim Maxham, Jim Jones, Kimberly Lord, Don Bedard, Ron Phillips, Tom Clark & Christina Erikson from Local Motion (via zoom), Joe Montague from Pike Industry, Sue Arguin/Town Administrator.

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair, Dave Carter at 7:00PM.
  2. Adjustment to Agenda:   Donna Boumil from LCIEDC was not able to attend meeting.
  3. Minutes: Ross Brown made motion to approve minutes of April 10, 2023.  Chuck Hulse seconded.
  4. Public Input: David Carter spoke about S60 Local Option Tax and that it had passed but still sitting for consideration from the Senate.  He wanted to thank Senator Mazza for his work on this to get it through the Senate.  He also expressed his thanks and appreciation to Randy Brock, Michael Morgan and Josie Leavitt for all their work on this.  A motion was made to accept the Resolution S60 by Ross Brown and Chuck Hulse seconded.  All members then signed Resolution.
  5. New Business:
    1. SHVFD- Patrick Robinson was not present but has been asked to have a written agreement from the manufacturer to be brought to the selectboard ahead of the next meeting along with an invitation for Garth Brooks to attend.
    2. Tom Clark & Christina Erickson from Local Motion were present via zoom to discuss the Plans for the 2023 Bike Ferry Season.  They said they are ready for the new year and ready to go with docks out, fully staffed boat that’s been Coast Guard Inspected and all Deck Hands fully trained.  They intend to keep the signs up showing riders where to go to stay on the path.  They also said they are very much into supporting safe practices for the bikers along with the pedestrians and drivers in South Hero all while trying to emphasize to the visiting bikers to be courteous while visiting our town.
    3. Kimberely Lord came in to ask if they could continue the annual Clarence Demars 5K on July 4th. Motion was made by Ross Brown and seconded by Chuck Hulse to have it continue.  It would start at 8:30 and wrap up at 10AM at Folsom School.
  6. Administrative Assistant/Town Administrator Report:
    1. Martha via email wanted to inform the board that the SAMS process is now complete.
    2. David Carter read a short summary of the results of the landfill testing from VHB written by Stephen Hilfiker the Project Manager.
    3. A motion by Anne Zolotas was made and seconded by Ross Brown to approve the two vendor licenses permit applications.  One was for Dan Keough from North Country Specialty Foods at Goulet Farm and the other was Julia Small from the Hive Café LLC at Allenholm Farm.
  7. Old and Ongoing Business:
    1. Updates were briefed about the Vtrans Bike & Pedestrian Grant by Sue Arguin stating that Hoyle & Tanner was the Vtrans approved consultant, and they wanted to extend from April 24, 2023, to May 1, 2023. The request has been granted by Greta Brunswick from NRPC.   Dave Hobbs also mentioned he’s participating on Steering Committee that will be meeting via Zoom by May 26th, 2023.   Chuck Hulse volunteered to be the Selectboard Member to participate on this committee.


  1. Announcements and Communications: Dave Carter wanted to let people know that he was having an Animal Complaints Form made up so folks that have a complaint could fill it out and turn it in.  He said as the Animal Control Officer this would make this easier giving him as much information as possible to access any situation.   Dave also informed everyone that he will be marking Ashe trees to be cut down around South Hero.


  1. Other Business and standing agenda items:


  1. The Lease was signed for the Craft Shop on the agreed terms.
  2. Liquor License applications that were approved were: Afternoonies/Blue Paddle, AIR-General Store & Resort, Arbor Farm Market, Emma/Mckees, Green Frog/Lily Pad, Keelers Bay Variety, Mamoo/Wally’s and Victoria’s Café. Motion to accept by Chuck Hulse and seconded by Ross Brown.
  3. No Town Clerk/Treasurer Report.
  4. Recreation Commission update: Chuck Hulse said he’s still learning on what is left in account and what has been allocated and on what. The budget was $16,000.
  5. Road Department: Has a contract with Hungerford to repair and reservice West Shore Road starting at the intersection of Station Road to Sherry Corbin’s driveway.  There were 3 bids and a motion was made by David and seconded by Chuck to use Hungerford.
  6. Old South Hero Meeting House next steps are putting together a Feasibility Study Chaired by Ross Brown. People on this committee are: Steve Robinson, Nate Hayward, Carl Frenning, Naomi King, Anne Zolotas, Mike Carroll & Doug Patterson.
  7. ARPA Funds update: Meetings set for discussion are May 1st  Open Meeting discussing funds and May 22nd for Public Hearing.
  8. Wastewater Committee Update: None.
  1. Adjournment: At 8:12 a motion was made by Ross Brown and seconded by Chuck Hulse to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,                                            Approved by

___________________________                             ___________________________

Susan Arguin, Town Administrator                            David Carter, Chair