
April 19, 2017 Planning Commission Draft Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISION DRAFT MINUTES                             May 3, 2017


Members Present: G. Delano (Co-Chair); D. Paterson (Co-Chair); S. Gregg; D. Roy; R. Henry

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Sherry Corbin; Bob Buermann; Jay Buermann; Bridget Kerr; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


7:00 – G. Delano called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

  1. Delano requested adding discussion of the status of the Municipal Planning Grant for the updates of the Development Regulations before the Administrator’s Report. The Board agreed.


Continue general discussion re: updates to the Development Regulations

The Commission discussed whether it was necessary to further define different types of home-based businesses.  The Regulations currently only address ‘Home Occupations’ as using a minor portion of a dwelling or an accessory structure.  The definition is overly broad, with little clarification regarding traffic, types of businesses, and designated hours.

There was extensive discussion regarding what type of regulation was appropriate or needed.  Jay Buermann noted that Home Occupations allow multiple uses that could include seasonal or year-round businesses, those whose numbers of employees vary throughout the calendar year due to the nature of the business, and whether there are retail sales direct to customers or a service provided.  Additional discussion included occasional sales of wares during ‘Open Studio’-types of events, where there may be a temporary increase in traffic and customers for a short period of time. Sherry Corbin, questioned whether there should be an additional designation called a ‘home retail establishment.’  It was decided that any retail sales, even if conducted in a home business, should be considered a commercial use with the appropriate Conditional Use and Site Plan review by the DRB.

The Commission discussed whether there should be definitions for various ‘levels’ of home-based businesses that would identify when a business would require review and approval from the DRB.  Should these approvals remain with the property (as long as the use is not discontinued or changed) or should they be reviewed every 5 years and renewed by the Zoning Administrator?  The Commission reviewed the current standards from Fairfax and some recommended standards from a revision of Regulations that Doug Patterson had worked on previously in Pennsylvania to see how other communities have addresses these questions.  Bridgett asked to include restrictions on noise and dust but it was decided that those are covered in the current definition under the restrictions on nuisance.

Rather than add more definitions, the Commission decided to add quantifiers to the current definition of Home Occupation to clarify when a proposal must have additional review by the DRB.  These are: 1) Number of Employees; 2) Number of Cars; and 3) Signage.

Number of Employeesexcluding the resident of the dwelling, allow the equivalent of one full-time, non-resident employee: 2000 hours/year.  More than that would require Conditional Use review by the DRB.

Number of Cars – More than 10 cars per day (average) would require Conditional Use and Site Plan review by the DRB. 

Signage – Change the approved size of a sign in Section 602, #6 from “not to exceed 4 square feet in size” to “not to exceed 2 square feet in size.”  The Board agreed that signs cannot be illuminated from within.

It was agreed to put a restriction on the number of cars per day rather than restrict hours of operation.  D. Roy suggested that off-street parking be required.

Martha will add to the existing language in Section 602 (Home Occupation) to reflect the Board’s suggestions to be given to NRPC for inclusion in the updates.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from the April 19, 2017 meeting; D. Roy second. All in favor.


Public Input

Bob Buermann asked if there were copies of a traffic calming study conducted around 2003.  He is trying to locate a draft of the study report and engineer designs, and asked if the Clerk’s Office may have a copy.  He also told the Board that there will be a public hearing at Northwest Regional Planning later this month on the Regional Energy Plan.

Bridgett Kerr asked about applying for a term on the Planning Commission when 3 current terms will be up at the end of June.  Members G. Delano, D. Roy, and S. Gregg each expressed interest in being reappointed by the Selectboard for another 3-year term, but Bridgett was encouraged to submit a letter of interest to the Selectboard by their June 12 deadline if she is interested.


New/Old Business

  1. Delano reported that he would be attending the June 12 VTrans meeting in Montpelier at which the Town’s request to reduce the speed limit in the vicinity of the new Community Health Center/Wally’s Bagels will be discussed. S. Gregg and D. Patterson will also attend.


Municipal Planning Grants

The Municipal Planning Grant for the Park and Ride is being closed and Martha is writing a letter for the Selectboard to sign requesting the remaining funds be reimbursed to the Town.  Photos of the new facility will accompany the final paperwork.

  1. Gregg reported that the 2016 Municipal Planning Grant for the Development Regulations updates must be completed by the end of May. She will request a final bill from NRPC so that all funds can be spent by the May 31 deadline. Final documentation on the regulations updates is due at the end of June.


Administrator’s Report

  1. All letters of interest for new 3-year terms on the Planning Commission must be sent to the Selectboard by June 12, 2017. Emailed letters are sufficient.  Send to the ZA/ Selectboard Assistant Martha Taylor-Varney or to the Town Clerk.
  2. The Spring Zoning and Planning Forum will be on June 14, 2017 at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. Martha will be attending.  Planning Commission and DRB members are also encouraged to attend.
  3. Martha reported on a meeting she attended, hosted by NRPC, on Act 174: Municipal Energy Planning Standards. Regional maps showing solar, wind, and hydro potential areas have been produced by NRPC.  Martha will email these maps with accompanying information to PC members.  NRPC will attend the May 17 Planning Commission meeting at which time the Commission will have an opportunity to talk with them about incorporating this information into a future Town plan.


9:15PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Patterson second.  All in favor.



Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

                        For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.