
April 11, 2022 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
Regular Meeting of Monday April 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM
At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom

Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, Skip Brown/Board Secretary, Ross Brown/Vice Chairman,
Board Members Not Present: Anne Zolotas, Chuck Hulse
Others Present: Naomi King, Town Clerk, Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA. Also see sign in sheet of in person and active Zoom participants. *Attendance SB 04-11-2022

1. Called to Order:
-The meeting was called to order by Chairman Carter at 7:00 pm

2. Adjustment to Agenda:

3. Minutes:
-David Carter made a motion to acknowledge the minutes of the meeting of March 28, 2022. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

4. Public input:
A. Jerry Robinson discussed the issue of speeding and how the lack of shoulders on Lakeview Rd. leaves little room for pedestrians. Note that this is not only an issue on Lakeview Rd., but other roads in South Hero. The GI County Sheriff dept. is now short staffed, but they will be made aware of the concerns.
B. Tom Chagnon asked about staffing at South Hero Rescue (SHR). They budgeted for a part time person to be on call last year, and the budget for more paid hours has been approved for the fiscal year beginning July 1. It was suggested that he contact SHR for more information.

5. New Business:
A. Eileen Fitzgerald of South Hero Land Trust (SHLT) was present to discuss Green Up Day that will occur Saturday, May 7. Volunteer sign up for road and beach pick up can be found here: Green bags will be available at SHLT and a dumpster will be available by the Town Garage.
B. Heidi Chamberlain was present to discuss the lease from the Town to the Island Craft Shop. Ross Brown made a motion to approve and sign a lease for the Town owned building, with the term being one year from May1, 2022 at a cost of $375.00/month. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried. Note that any physical improvements to the existing building will not need a building permit.

6. Administrative Assistant Report:
A. See the written report filed with these minutes (Below on the website or in Town Hall).
B. Ross Brown made a motion to approve and have the Chairman sign the mobile vendor licenses for The Sausage Shack & Summer Shack that will be at Snow Farm Winery and North County Specialty Foods that will be at Goulet Farm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

7. Old and Ongoing Business:
A. None at this meeting

8. Announcements and Communications:
A. See other business

9. Other Business:
A. Ross Brown made a motion to approve and sign orders 22-21 and to pay the bills associated with the orders. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
B. Town Clerk/Treasurer updates: Naomi has contacted Alpine Web Media about changing the appearance of the Town website.
C. Recreation Commission (RC) update: The Red Cross and YMCA are not doing on site swimming lessons. The RC will look into hiring someone local who is certified. This is an ongoing issue and will be looked into more.
D. Road Department update: The possible purchase of land behind Town Garage for sand/salt storage and future salt shed is progressing pending more info about possible wetlands. The inspection by the State will be later this week. The Road Dept. has been looking into the purchase of a road sweeping brush and equipment. David Carter made a motion to allow the Road Dept. to look into purchasing a skid steer machine with road sweeping equipment and to order one, if found, using the equipment replacement fund. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
E. Old South Hero Meeting House (OSHMH): The engineering studies are proceeding. Note: for all of the engineering studies, grant specifics and the contractor hiring for the stabilization work necessary, the anticipated start time for any work would probably be in the fall of 2023. Ross Brown made a motion to approve and sign letters of support for the project to Congressman Welch and Senator Sanders. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
F. ARPA fund updates: None at this meeting.
G. Skip Brown made a motion to approve and sign the following liquor license applications:
-Apple Island Resort
-Apple Island General Store
-McKees Island Pub, 1st and 3rd Class
-Arbor Farm Market
The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
H. David Carter, Skip Brown and Anne Zolotas will not be in South Hero for the next meeting. Vice Chairman Ross Brown will decide by Wednesday April 20 if there will be meeting on April 25. Should one be held, then David Carter will Zoom in to make a quorum.

10. Adjournment:
-Skip Brown made a motion to adjourn 8:15 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                         Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Graham Brown                                                        David Carter, Chairman


Administrative Officer’s Report to Selectboard April 11, 2022
Discussion Items:
1. There are 2 applications for the SB to sign for 2022 Vendors’ licenses (one is for 2 vendor units). The locations for each of these vendors were reviewed and approved by the DRB last year.
2. An ad was placed in the Islander for Delinquent Tax Collector. I believe Skip put it in Front Porch Forum, also. As of Monday morning (4/11), I have received a letter of interest from Jonathan Shaw.
3. I’m getting more calls about cannabis cultivation in South Hero. The cultivation of cannabis falls under “Agriculture: the production , keeping, or maintenance of plants and animals useful to man, for sale or lease in accordance with State Dept. of Agriculture guidelines and regulations as defined by applicable VSA provisions.” Municipalities cannot prohibit the operation of a cannabis establishment within the municipality through an ordinance or bylaw. This is also covered under Sec. 301.E in the Development Regulations re the exemption of agricultural structures.
4. I met with Guy Maguire, David Hobbs, and John Beaulac at the Town property on Station Rd. to access options for parking for the proposed Robinson Trail. The trailhead for this is between the Town’s lot and RT 2 on Station Rd. The Town’s triangular 0.67-ac. lot of land abuts VT Fish and Wildlife property where the old railroad bed runs between the crick and the Town’s lot. The Town is storing highway department material on its lot and there is little to no additional space for parking that would still allow Town equipment to maneuver around it. The only available parking space there is on the Fish and Game property, against the east side along the wetland. We measured out an area for 10 cars, away from the entrance, and discussed possible signage that would direct cars to the parking area and away from the Town lot. Concrete stops could help delineate parking spaces. Although there have been cars parked there in the past for those using the Fish and Game trail, Guy volunteered to contact Fish and Game to see if they would allow parking for those wishing to access the Robinson Trail. However, tree service trucks have been parking there regularly for the past several months in the area of the proposed parking. I don’t know if this has been formally approved by the Town or by Fish and Game, and for how long they have planned to use it.
5. FYI – The Town Clerk received an email from the Town of Calais with a job opening for a Town Treasurer and Delinquent Tax Collector. The job includes a $2500 sign on bonus. It has reached that point. Experienced Town employees are a desirable commodity. Just a reminder…. 😊
Planning Commission
The Commission continues to meet with stakeholders for the 2023 Town Plan. Discussion at the April 6 meeting included a discussion on equity and inclusion, in addition to beginning to plan public outreach opportunities. The PC’s next meeting will include a review of all the stakeholders’ discussions held to this point. NRPC will continue to meet with the PC once a month.
Development Review Board
1. The next meeting will be April 13, where the Board will hear 2 requests for waiver setbacks for seasonal homes on pre-existing, non-conforming lots.
2. Board member Bill Rowe has resigned his position on the DRB. The SB approved ‘promoting’ DRB Alternate Mike Welch to a regular member of the Board and I placed a notice in the Islander for an Alternate member. Applicant Ellie Reid of 39 Phelps Lane will attend this week’s meeting to introduce herself to the Board and watch the proceedings.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA and Asst. to the Selectboard