
Sept. 25, 2024 OSHMH Build Sub-Committee Minutes

Town of South Hero
Old White Meeting House Committee
Build Sub-Committee
Town of South Hero
PO Box 175
South Hero, VT 05486-0175

Location: Town Office Meeting Room
Attending: Michael Carroll, Russ Stratton, Mike Welch, Doug Patterson, Carl Frenning, Sandy


Absent: None
Public: None
Called to order at 10:01 AM by Michael C.
Continued Discussion of 75% Architectural Plans as prepared by Arnold & Scangas-Architects-
Rebecca Arnold. This is the set submitted to the National Park Service (NPS) by Jenna Lapachinski-
Preservation Trust Vermont (PTVT) who is the contact between Town of South Hero & NPS regarding
the Bruhn Grant ($100,000).
Task for this group is to thoroughly review the plans and make a recommendation to approve to
the Meeting House Committee who will then notify the Selectboard (SB).
3. Other Business
Questions raised:
Meeting House Committee Questions:
Clerk of the Works: will there be such a person/position hired? Is the position budgeted? Define
responsibilities and must be contracted. Suggested $50 per day rate. This would equal ~ $25,000
over 2 years. Communications will be key. Perhaps this group could absorb some of the work?
Critical to track work by Payment Contract: Contract #1 = Bruhn Grant, Contract #2 = Exterior,
Contract #3 = Interior & Weatherization. Will someone be required on site all the time?
Access to the building: Will need full-time access.
Check Arnold & Scangas (A&S) contract if scope covers any onsite presence. Sandy G.
Ramp: Doug P. raised issue of ramp construction being done privately (CIDER). He feels it should be
done by professionals. Sandy G. will ask A&S and discuss with CIDER.
Michael C. will talk with an expert about the foundation 6” stone veneer + 6” cement foundation and is
that adequate to bear load?
KAS Environmental Review II: waiting to hear from State about lead issue. If abatement is required
before construction can begin ground disturbance may be an issue when the building is moved.
Stormwater run-off: Research this issue – Sandy G. will ask Pan’s and/or N. Hayward about access.

Rebecca A.- A&S Questions: Rebecca confirm you can have answers by Oct 1st.
Stormwater run-off? What if the swale to the west fills with water, where does run-off go?
Will A&S be on-site at critical times to check work?

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Concerns about lighting back exterior steps from the ground (E2.1). Lighting the 3 risers.
Heat Pump concerns: this group would like a discussion with Rebecca- A&S about the system.
Concern is using one pump for multiple heads.
A3.1 Contract 1 & A2.1: “Cavity drainage” – please define. New foundation & existing wall need
balloon of bigger detail.
C200, S2: should it be 6” not 6 ft?
A3.2: indicated PT 5.25” treads on exterior stairs 2nd floor landing. A2.2 north elevation, 1st level
compost wood decking. Are both PT & composite wood being used in this project or should it be one
or the other?
2.1 0 Contract 1: footers, S2.10: F2 pier NOT detailed. Should it be? If so, please add.
A2.2 new exterior door on north side: question – what happens if delay between Contract 1 &2?
4. Next Meeting: TBD – depends on A&S responses.
5. Adjourned: 11:05 AM

Submitted by,
Sandy Gregg – Volunteer Scribe
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